1st project tips

 DIY, Easy, Project  Comments Off on 1st project tips
Mar 212015

In the near future we’ll have a video, schematics to share with you as our first project a motion activated intruder alert system. The nice thing is you can put this project together cheaply. Here are a list of the components needed.

Infrared Motion Activated Intruder Alert Components:

PIR – Passive Infrared Sensor

3-24 VDC Buzzer – 3-24VDC electric buzzer

Voltage Source – 5-20 volt DC power source – 9 volt battery will work perfectly.





One thing you will find you most probably need is some connecting wires. These DuPont Male to Female Dupont Wire Jumper Cable work great for connecting modules.


Home Studio Recording Now Being Covered

 Home Recording Studio  Comments Off on Home Studio Recording Now Being Covered
Mar 022015

A  while back my good friend and buddy at Volthaus Electronics Laboratory asked if I would like to be a contributor to the site as an “expert” in the field of Home Recording Studio. After careful consideration I am proud to announce that I have accepted the invitation and am honored to have the opportunity to share with you, the reader, what I have learned over the past 15 plus years. I do not claim to be an “expert”; however, I do have considerable knowledge on the subject that, for those of you that have an interest, may find very useful. I hope to publish a series of articles that will help you to more easily enter into the world of doing your own professional quality home studio recordings. I will be publishing the 1st of these articles in the near future. Be sure to sign-up here at The Volthaus Electronics Laboratory for new and exciting posts coming your way each week. It is simple and easy – Just Click the Blue “Follow Volthaus” Button on the right, fill in your name and email address and we will keep you informed when there is a new post. – Terry Riggs, Contributing Editor